Thus saith the Lord that created thee
…..thou art mine

Isaiah 43:1

My heart was so heavy one afternoon.

I was overwhelmed by numerous burdens weighing down my heart.

I was also grieving.  My friend’s nineteen-year-old son had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

I especially struggled to reconcile this pain.

What purpose could there be to take that beautiful child?

Was God just done with him?

I was confused.  I was questioning God.  I just didn’t understand.

In His mercy, God lovingly quieted my questioning.  He reminded me that those thoughts would lead me in the wrong direction.

I changed my thoughts.

How could I get victory over this despair?

“If God were sitting next to me
right now, what would I need Him to
say to me so that I could be OK?”

God sweetly answered.

He led me to write a song about as many areas that I could think of where I might need comfort, followed by what He would say to me to ease my distress.  This song has brought me much comfort.

I pray it will help restore your peace as well.

You are Mine
by Jennifer Skaw

When things are dark, I’m still working
When you feel alone, I’m still there
I hold you every moment
Everything will be all right

When you’re lost, I have the answer
When you’re in pain, I send My grace
When you grieve, I share your sorrow
When you are weak, I am your strength

Your sin can not surprise Me
I have forgiven it all

I make beauty of the ashes
Let go of shame. You are redeemed.

Forever, I will tenderly love you
I’ll give you rest, I’ll be your Friend
My child, My child, trust Me
I am yours and you are Mine

My child, My child, trust Me
I am yours and you are Mine

I am yours and you are Mine


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